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6 Signs You're Ready To Get Promoted
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6 Signs You're Ready To Get Promoted
Comma Poster
4 mins read

The goal post is constantly moving because the goal is growth! 🌱

Moving up the ranks in an organisation is no easy feat.

Recognising that you're ready for the next step is a key 🔑 aspect in taking the necessary steps to do so.


You play hard but work harder, so naturally you want a position that reflects that 🪞.

We’ve got you, star ⭐️!

Get into it for 6 clear signs that you just might be ready for a ✨promotion✨ at work!

  1. People Trust You To Get Things Done 🏋🏿‍♀️🏋🏿‍♀️

It’s one thing to be great at the job you’ve been hired for, but you’re not finding that you’re doing things beyond your role, and you’re doing them with complete ease 😌.

People trust you to not only get things done but to do it to a standard which is exemplary, so you're getting delegated more complex tasks 📚 and your colleagues often turn to you for the best course of action.

Whatever you’re doing, KEEP doing it! 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿

  1. You're Influential 💁🏿‍♀️💁🏿‍♀️💁🏿‍♀️

You’re an integral part of the business, and it shows. Your intellectual and creative wisdom hold weight in the organisation's outcomes, and you're starting to have the ability to influence more processes and outcomes within the business.

  • Do colleagues or managers turn to you for your take?

Then it must be worth something.

  • Do you find yourself directing areas of the business?

Your guidance makes a difference to the operations of matters.

What’s that? It sounds like it’s time for a raiseeee! CHA-CHING! 💰💰💰

  1. You've Shown The Drive & Desire To Do More 🚙🚙🚙


You are assertive about where you want to be within the organisation, and you make it known that you’re prepared to take on more.

You can vouch for yourself, and you have the success rate to back up your bold assertions that you are a star 🌟 player.

Not only that but you’ve demonstrated your ability to manage more through taking the initiative to sort things out that were not asked of you, or even support in ways not expected 🤓 of your position. Your drive is evident.

All other things equal, it's the person who wants to lead who gets promoted 🏆.

  1. You've Mastered Your Current Role 👩🏿‍🏫👨🏾‍🏫🧑🏽‍🏫

Your work isn’t just completed ✅ but done to the highest standard.

You’re going beyond your expected goals and delivering every. Single. Time.

There’s nothing to debate, you’re one of one when it comes to this, so much so that you find yourself outperforming your colleagues regularly and delivering on proactive briefs 🤯.

The proof is in the pudding — you were made for even BIGGER 😉 things.


  1. You Get The "Big Picture" 📸📸📸

You practically breathe 😮‍💨 I the company values, principles, and concepts.

You have a wider sense of the business and what it needs to achieve its goals 🎯 and strategies. You don’t simply do the job just to do the job.

Furthermore, you act in a way that shows that you are considering the company’s future and where they are going. Everything you do speaks to it’s over aching 🌈  idea.

Be it the way you engage with clients or colleagues, the way you intentionally plot 📍and plan.

Put simply, you want what is in the company’s best interest, and everything you do demonstrates just that 👍🏿.

  1. Your Performance Reviews Are Great 👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿


Smiles all round 😁.

If your 360 reviews are coming back with positive

feedback, it's a sign that you're ready to take up

more responsibilities for the team.

There’s either no more pointers to give you or very little showing you that in this particular position there is no more opportunity for growth 🌱 for you, and you’re more than ready to move up in responsibilities 💪🏿.

Being too at ease in a position is a great sign that you need more 🙆🏿‍♀️ to stretch you.

Trust your intuition AND your success rate on this — you’re ready for the next chapter 📚 of your career.

Taking the leap from one role to another can feel really daunting 🥺 and uncertain. But when the feedback is coming back with nothing but ticks and smiles, it’s time to go on to something more challenging 🧠 as part of your evolution career-wise .

It’s vital to constantly take on new quests 🗺 and adventures so that you are forever making room for self-development 🙌🏿.

Don’t limit yourself when there are infinite possibilities that await you! 🫵🏿🫵🏿🫵🏿


For more hard-hitting tips and posts tailored specifically for our Creative Geniuses be sure to head over to the New Comma page on Instagram @new.comma 🫶🏿🫶🏾🫶🏽

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